Thursday, June 14, 2012

To my friends and readers

Dear Friends, more then a month has passed since I last laid eyes on the blog, I missed it and yet I was so busy that I had hardly time to think about it.

The weeks, which have passed, have been purgative, cleansing in more then one way!
My surgery has been successful, I am grateful for that and has left me full of enthusiasm and positive energy. I am healing still. A couple of weeks before I had made another important decision: To change my diet and lifestyle completely.
Since then I have begun studying nutrition, I am reading all about raw food preparation, have myself immersed in juice fasting, cleansing, juicing, smoothie preparation and the many aspects of a thoroughly new way of eating.
I know that this might sound strange to many of you, perhaps the idea of eating mostly raw could make people feel that one must miss so many great foods and how one can restrict oneself like this. Yet I have to tell you, the conscious decision to begin a mostly raw diet has been not taken lightly and I have been experimenting with it. The longer I am on it the more I love the way I feel and .... look! I do not feel restricted at all! On the contrary: I feel freed! And as always, suddenly I see more healthy food options everywhere, raw restaurants pop up in unexpected places and people have been telling me about their similar journeys! The universe aligns!

I will not go in all the details of a mostly raw diet, that would surely overextend the most patient reader, but I will tell you as much:
I will begin writing a separate food blog, in which you can follow me if you are interested.
In a nut shell, the things I do not eat and drink anymore as as follows:
Wheat, all dairy, sugar, processed foods unless raw, coffee, sodas, alcohol (with the exception of a glass of red wine once in a while) potatoes, white rice.
I have been sticking to it and lost all cravings for sweets, do not miss anything and feel well nourished. I do eat a little bit of meat once in a while, maybe every two weeks or so and seldom fish (sashimi) or baked salmon. I take a few selected supplements.

The result so far has been a healthy weight loss (almost 20 lbs), glowing skin, super energy and great motivation to immerse myself even more. I do yoga, walk a lot, about 3ml a day and hope to put in more exercise as I go along. I am not the gym person...
A great book, to get an idea about the journey I have been taking, can be found here:

The best part is, that my husband, seeing the results over the last weeks, has become so
enchanted, he joined me and we both are exploring the joys of raw foods.

And no - our kids stick to their standard diet, I feel that the example and good food around the house will intrigue them, but pushing would be a mistake. So they munch their chips and have their hot dogs, ice cream and pasta....No hard feelings.
But they also love my fruit smoothies, vegetable juices and salads!

So, while I have become a little introvert and concentrated on the inner workings of body and soul, I have not forgotten about you all out there and can't wait to get back on track!
I know summer is coming and some of you might close the blog shop for a while, but I will try to follow trough and stick again to regular posting of the ups and downs here at the Green House.....

Be well and happy!

Images by V.Zlotkowski and amazon.


  1. Hello Victoria:
    How our hearts skipped a beat when your post popped up in our reader today!We have missed you and have been keeping you close in our thoughts.

    We are so relieved to know that your surgery was successful. These things take longer than one expects to recover from but, once the hard part is behind one, then concentrating on getting back to full fitness is life enhancing.

    Even your post skips along with vim and vigour, so clearly your new diet must be working well for you. Often it takes a great shock to the system to reappraise things and move in a different direction. We are delighted that you have found something which really lifts your spirits. Welcome back!!

  2. Victoria,
    How inspiring you are! I love eating fresh and raw and what a better way to cleanse than now. Summer always seems so right for adding freshness to our lives.
    Looking forward to seeing you and catching up.

  3. Hello Victoria

    Like Jane, Lance and PVE I have missed your smiling face.
    I am delighted you are well. There is a wonderful raw food restauant in St. Petersburg, Florida which I frequent weekly. They service a zucchini/pasta that I dream of and a coconut soup that no has be drooling.
    Wishing you continued healing, success and good health

    Helen xx

  4. Wow I love the way it sounds and how you feel....I know I need this in my life...perhaps in time. Welcome back and I'm happy you are sharing your journey!

  5. Wow, Victoria,
    Have no idea if I could be as dedicated as you are. I love food! Raw, gluten, without gluten, chopped, smooth, crunchy - I love it all.

    Are you doing this as a result of your surgery or just to be healthier. But, I wonder, how much healthier is blueberry juice than a whole blueberry. I don't get it, but glad it is all working so well for you.

    Glad you are back.

  6. My dear Victoria, welcome back. I'm afraid I have a lot of catching up to do here!! I'm pleased to hear that you are doing well after the surgery. I wish you all the very best for your speedy recovery. I think fresh vegetables, salad and healthy eating are essential for a happy life. It is important to remember that when life gets hectic, we tend not to look after ourselves. It is easier and quicker to buy a ready meal than cook by ourselves. As for me, nothing is more refreshing and nurturing as a home made meal. It is clean, fresh, healthy and you know exactly what you put into it.

    I'm so grateful to you for all your lovely comments on my blog. I'm sorry that I haven't written to you sooner as I've now got a house and bigger responsibilities. I do often wonder if I would find time to keep up with my blog. But you are in my thoughts and prayers, my dear. True friendship endures like a precious box of old sepia postcards. Time cannmot erase its substance.

    Best wishes & get well soon, ASD x


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