Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday flowers

A small detail....

My new plates inspire me to have some flowers around and I love those pretty yellow roses! They are the petit kind and have a heavenly scent!

One hung her head this morning, so I gave her the VIP treatment and now she is all open...

Hope your weekend is going to be wonderful! Get yourself some flowers and fill the air with the fresh scent...


All pictures by V.Zlotkowski


  1. My dear, I love your plate!! I have so many plates and soap dishes that have roses and flowers on them. I've got a hayfever usually in the spring and summer. So, I was banned from having fresh flowers in my living room. I was so devastated as I love flowers as you know. Then in one year, I started collecting everything with flowers motifs, trays, candlesticks, cups and saucers, teapots, mugs, plates,'s my passion. SO, that I have some flowers to look at whichever way I turn my head in my house...even though they are not real flowers. Have a lovely weekend. I'm off to Edinburgh to see a play about Maria Callas. ASD xxx

  2. I love floating flowers in water, and your plates are gorgeous! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. ASD: Thank you, I love patterned plates, this one is in the Gainsborough pattern by Copeland/Spode! I can imaging how you miss flowers.
    maybe you can get some nice small silk flower arrangement. Nothing large, perhaps some three roses in a glass. There are gorgeous ones out there. I am not a fan of artificial bouquets, but in some cases they are really nice.
    And helpful for people with allergies!
    Evie: Thanks so much for your kind words! Enjoy your weekend as well!

  4. Hi Victoria
    Thank's for your very sweet words on my blog, I'm so glad you like it.
    I'm also think your blog is great and I love the plate and the moss ball! We have the same passion for british films, discussions and many other things.
    I envy you a bit, living in metropolitan New York, there must be tons of inspiration to get there ...
    I wish you a wonderful weekend!


    Thank you for coming by last night! Oh, am I glad it is the weekend. Being a full-time teacher to 50 fourth graders is becoming more fatiguing year after year, but I don't think because I'm getting older...this is my first year with 50 students and the work load is quite impossible to manage, especially while managing to learn a new position. I had been teaching all subjects in French for 7 years, but now, I not only teach science and social studies in French, but I also teach English, and that is a lot of work to correct for 50 kids. mind is now on DECORATING! And what better way to start my Saturday than to come to see your new décor ideas. HOW are you managing with all the snow? That blizzard that hit the North East missed us, but we have heard about our friends in New England and New York.

    Well dearest, it is painting and moving furniture for me today, and that is exciting. I was hoping to post about our new addition today, but since I am not home during the day to take good pics, I am empty handed. Besides, things are still not quite in place yet. Do come by again later as I have a new post to finish up.....have a splendid Saturday!!! Anita

  6. Beautiful plate, so inspring to create many a a beautiful table setting. Agreed that particularly in this gloomy hellhole of a winter, we need to add, color, life and beautiful scents however we can. Glad to have found your new to blogging and loving it!
    Please visit me at my new blog, its about the building of our new home and my passion for decor/design. Thanks, I will certainly be back here!

  7. lovely flowers, and bestifull post.
    Have a nice saturday

  8. Anita: I do not even begin to imagine how hard you work as a teacher!
    I admire your stamina and devotion! You know how important it is to have the right guidance when you are young! I can only see you as a perfect one!
    If you need any help, I am glad to give you a hand!
    Enchanted Home: Thank you for coming to look! A new world opens up in front of you, right? I still feel like that after almost two years of blogging!
    Yolanda:Thanks! I am happy to have you visiting!!!

  9. Hallo Victoria,
    Einen wunderschönen Sonntagmorgen wünsch ich dir. Ich sitz gerade am Blog und da fällt mir doch ein, dass du doch wissen wolltest wie ich das mit den Collagen mache. Ich kann dir nur sagen, dass ich bei Picasa3 angemeldet bin. Da kann man seine Bilder bearbeiten und das ist wirklich nicht schwer, da alles beschrieben wird. Man muss sich am Anfang ein bisschen durch wurschteln und Bilder hin und her ziehen, aber das ist gar nicht so schwer.... probier es doch einfach aus. Ich weiss auch nicht was du für einen PC oder Mac hast. Da gibt es ja die verschiedensten Bildbearbeitungsprogramme. Ich habe einen Mac und mir dafür zusätzlich Adobe Photoshop CS4 besorgt. Und das funktioniert ja nur auf Mac. Aber Picasa3 ist auch gut, da kann man auch seine Bilder in Webalben speichern. Naja ob dir das alles weiter hilft weiss ich jetzt nicht, aber ich hoffe es.
    Ansonsten sitz ich hier mit dicker Backe, da ich am Freitag beim Zahnarzt war und so einiges über mich ergehen lassen musste. Aber was macht man nicht alles, damit es einem wieder besser geht. Deine gelbe Rose ist so schön, man sieht ja im Moment mehr weisse oder rosane Rosen durch die Blogs hüpfen, aber deine gelben hier wecken so richtig den Frühling in mir und ich hoffe der lässt nicht mehr all zu lange auf sich warten. Mir reicht es nämlich mit dem Winter!........Liebe Grüße *Marie*

  10. Good morning dear heart! Thank you for your visit and yes, the box of goodies that I received was quite impressive for EVERYTHING was hand made with a personalized touch for blew me away. The pictures I shared were only a fraction of the contents of that gift box...and yes, I always want to remember that love is a VERB in its strongest form! HAVE A LOVELY DAY! Anita

  11. What a lovely touch! And your plates are gorgeous! I can't blame you if you choose to use them everyday. Have a beautiful week, Kellie xx

  12. vielen dank für deine kommentare, hab mich wirklich total gefreut... ja genau, die verbindung kommt über anatol; ich studierem mit ihm. tatsächlich ein toller mensch...

    hach ja, was soll ich noch zu deinem post sagen, die bilder sind mal wieder fantastisch und sehr inspirierend, ich schaue hier wirklich sehr sehr gerne vorbei. morgen werde ich mir auch ein paar blümchen kaufen, damit in meiner wohnung mal ein wenig frühling einzieht;es wird zeit

    ein schönen sonntag abend und ganz liebe grüße, ines

  13. Marie: Ganz vielen Dank Ufer deine hilfreiche Erklärung! Ich werde mich damit mal auseinandersetzen! Du bist ein Schatz!!!
    Anita: You are so kind, thanks for coming to see me! I would love to have you here one day!!!
    Kellie: You know, we really use them almost daily!
    Ines: So nett, das Du vorbeischaust! Bin wieder neugierig auf Deine neuesten Saechelchen!

  14. Those are beautiful plates! I love how you're accenting them!


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